pub unsafe extern "C" fn FSPXI_ReadFileSHA256(
    serviceHandle: Handle,
    file: FSPXI_File,
    bytesRead: *mut u32_,
    offset: u64_,
    readBuffer: *mut c_void,
    readBufferSize: u32_,
    hashtable: *mut c_void,
    hashtableSize: u32_,
    unk: u32_
) -> Result
Expand description

Reads data and stores SHA256 hashes of blocks


  • file - File to read from.
  • bytesRead - Pointer to output the number of read bytes to.
  • offset - Offset to read from.
  • readBuffer - Pointer to store read data in.
  • readBufferSize - Size of readBuffer.
  • hashtable - Pointer to store SHA256 hashes in.
  • hashtableSize - Size of hashtable.
  • unk - Unknown. Always 0x00001000? Possibly block size?