Configures whether to use the z component of the normal map.
Add two FVec3s
Cross product of two FVec3s
Cross product of FVec3 and Quaternion
Distance between two 3D points
Dot product of two FVec3s
Magnitude of a FVec3
Negate a FVec3
Create a new FVec3
Normalize a FVec3
Scale a FVec3
Subtract two FVec3s
Add two FVec4s
Dot product of two FVec4s
Magnitude of a FVec4
Negate a FVec4
Create a new FVec4
Normalize a FVec4
Perspective divide
Scale a FVec4
Subtract two FVec4s
Matrix addition
Copy a matrix
Creates a matrix with the diagonal using the given parameters.
Get 4x4 matrix equivalent to Quaternion
Identity matrix
Inverse a matrix
Look-At matrix, based on DirectX implementation
Multiply two matrices
Multiply 3x3 matrix by a FVec3
Multiply 4x4 matrix by a FVec4
Multiply 4x3 matrix by a FVec3
Orthogonal projection
Orthogonal projection, tilted to account for the 3DS screen rotation
Perspective projection
Stereo perspective projection
Stereo perspective projection, tilted to account for the 3DS screen rotation
Perspective projection, tilted to account for the 3DS screen rotation
3D Rotation
3D Rotation about the X axis
3D Rotation about the Y axis
3D Rotation about the Z axis
3D Scale
Matrix subtraction
3D translation
Transposes the matrix. Row => Column, and vice versa.
Zero matrix
Quaternion conjugate
Cross product of Quaternion and FVec3
Quaternion, created from a given axis and angle in radians.
Get Quaternion equivalent to 4x4 matrix
Converting Pitch, Yaw, and Roll to Quaternion equivalent
Identity Quaternion
Quaternion inverse
Quaternion Look-At
Multiply two Quaternions
Raise Quaternion to a power
3D Rotation
3D Rotation about the X axis
3D Rotation about the Y axis
3D Rotation about the Z axis
Get number of subtextures
Get subtexture
Get bottom-left texcoords
Get bottom-right texcoords
Check if subtexture is rotated
Get top-left texcoords
Get top-right texcoords
Free Tex3DS texture
Import Tex3DS texture
Import Tex3DS texture
Import Tex3DS texture
Import Tex3DS texture